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HC Music

Private Tuition

Private Music Tuition for Drums, Piano & Vocals.

Private Tuition:

Harvey has worked as a Peripetetic Music teacher for over 3 years. He has ran lessons in 2 different schools on the Devon/Dorset boarder, as well as lessons from his home studio space, and has had the pleasure of working with over 50 students in this time. He offers tuition on Drums & Vocals, however has the skills necessary to also teach the fundimentals of piano to an intermediate level. Lessons are open to all abilities and ages - Although he currently teaches at a secondary school, he has worked with students between the ages of 10-23 in the past. Lessons are 30 minutes in length and are set up in a face-to-face scenario. Online lessons can be arranged if issues arise. 

Harvey is an advocate of 'practise makes perfect', and lives by this phrase in his own playing, as well as in his education to others. 


Harvey has been a keen drummer for over 10 years, and considers this his most developed instrument. He has studied the instrument from the age of 13, learning right from the fundimentals of drumming and it's unique music notation, through to grade 8 level rudiments and practise, as well as having regular live practise for over 3 years. Having been taught it in such a clear and well-structured way, Harvey feels he can confidentally work with any ability to help develop their knowledge of the instrument - Be that developing their current skills, improvisation work, rudiment practise or develop understanding of drum notation, or completely start from scratch. 


Harvey has worked as a vocal coach for 4 years, after taking on maternity cover in early 2019. Although he's only taught the instrument for this time, he's been using his voice for many years prior, performing live at paid events, public gigs and in Amatuer Dramatics in his local area. Harvey is a strong believer that 'anyone can sing', and feels once there is a basic understanding of the principles of the voice and how to control it, the rest is developed through frequent practise and a touch of self-belief!


Although Harvey has not been classically trained in the piano, he has over his time working in music developed a good understanding of the instrument and has discovered it's importance in relation to GCSE & A Level Music studies. He feels it is a great asset to have as a young student going through education to have a basic understanding of the piano, not only to aid compositional practise within music, but also as an assistance to understanding music theory, which is still a prominent part of the GCSE Music Syllabus. Harvey has taught a handful of GCSE & A Level students the piano over his years as a teacher, and feels it has benefited their learning and overall understanding of the subject greatly, and urges others to do the same. 

For information on how to begin lessons with Harvey, or if you have any questions, please see the bottom of this page for contact details.
